Snowball Io Christmas Battle

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Snowball Io Christmas Battle
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While playing Snowball Io Christmas Battle Unblocked, you control your character by dragging your mouse or finger on the screen. 10 contestants start each episode with you. By collecting the snow on the ground, you make the snowball in front of you bigger. As your snowball grows, your position in the ranking increases. You can follow your rank from the ranking in the upper right corner of the screen.

You can grow faster by taking the snow clusters in the area. You eliminate your opponents by hitting snowballs smaller than yourself. Your eliminated opponents are eliminated and disappear from the next list. You complete the level by eliminating all your opponents one by one and remaining alone in the field. In this way, you continue playing the Snowball Io Christmas Battle game by moving on to the next section. If you cannot complete the level as the leader, you lose the challenge and have to start the same level again.

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